Thursday, March 4, 2010

What Are The Difference Between Animal Farm &Real Life

The difference between Animal Farm & Real life is that in the book, the animal talk. You don't see that out side the world, or anywhere. In the book, the animals talk and act like they are humans, they even complain like we do. For example the cow was complaining about giving milk to the owner most likely everyday and she would always eat grass and she was getting tired of it and she wanted to get reward for her job. I can say this kind of sounds like me.. when i always do stuff and never get nothing out of it, but sometimes is better giving then receiving, but is not good taking advantage of it. Another difference is that we can do more stuff then animals can. We speak out, but also the animals have their own way to communicate. The animals have to eat what we give them, or they have special food for their kind of heritage. We make a lot of different kind of food, at any time that we would want.
Well as you see, this are some difference we have from an animal to a human. We talk and they don't we have hands that we can do a lot with them
Also we can eat a lot from different foods. we make everything we want and they dont really have the chance too =(

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why Do Students Drop Out Of School?

Why do students drop out? There is many reasons why students drop out.

To begin with explaining why do students drop out of school, it can be because too much stressing with the school work, or maybe they are just lazy. Some students stress out a lot for understanding and learning, some give up easily, but some try hard. There are many students that don’t reach the goal of the credits required to graduate. So that might cause them not to finish their high school years.

Secondly some students focus on out side school time and won’t pay attention to anything that includes to school work. Some students just think school is a waste of time and want to leave it to the side to waste their time in something else, that might not be the right choice. Some students are tiered of walking up and down the stairs.. been inside class rooms for minutes and not doing nothing but killing time and not paying attention.

Also some students drop out not only to be out in the streets or finding something better to do then at school, some do it for a job or maybe to do something good for their selves. Some move out and forget about education and get their G.E.D. I know some students that drop out and go to collage or get a different education of what they really like to do, so maybe there are some students that

To conclusion I really think the reason why students drop out of school is because they don’t think school is for them and rather do something else, They just think is a waste of time if some students don’t get enough credits they just drop out ‘cause they didn’t wanted to try hard and just doping out was their choice…. But some go in the wrong path and wish they finished school and gone to collage.

As you can see this are some of the reasons why I think students drop out of school not all students pick the right path, and not all pick the wrong.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How do drugs affect the body? (illegal/legal)

Drugs can affect the body in many different ways.
There is good and bad drugs. As medicine and medical subscribed.
Some can help your body; good medicine. Some can mess it up and might take u to dead.

For example Cannabis(marijuana) can be helpful for the heart problems or cancer. But it is also illegal to prescribed it to people with out a doctor giving permittion. To people that don't need it still smoke it because they like the high reaction that cannabis gives to them.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

What is another way to look at Gangs?

As you look at a gang related. You might have in head "WOW look what they wearing, all does baggy pants and big looking shirts" or "Look at all does tattos"
You may see a gang-related as a BAD person, by the way they look, they way they smell, the way they walk, the people who they hang out, by the way they dress, and what colors they wear. But is not that way....Not all gang people are bad..not all do crimes...not all do drugs. Theres Gangsters or also known as Spanish Cholos, they have respect for the family, they respect you. I have speaked to some gang relaters, i use to hang out with them. They treated me good.. and even more because my uncle was part of them. They are cool when you are cool, but if you make a wrong move they are not gonna like you.. but at the same time they are not gonna put a single finger on you. But depends what part you from. Here in the Midwest, nothing really is going on, but next to the Pasific ocean to be espesific. Thats where most bad things happend.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How To Get Along

I just read a blog that talks about "How To Get Along".
I think this would be usefull for does who have that bad anger
or does who just don't get along with enybody.
[To check the Blog out Clik HERE!!]
To be friendly with all the people around you, To give good
compliments, rather then just mean face every one and talk bad to
When i read this Blog it reminded me of the sayin
"Treat others like you would like to be treated"
and is true..You just need to be a good person
and everything can go good your way.
I really do recomend this, It helps but not fully, just gives you an idea
how to think more positive :)